Tag Archives: baby clothes

She Says… Bestill My Heart

It’s Valentine’s Day, y’all.

V-Day 2013-1

I told Owen it was “a day we tell our friends and family how much we love them”. He grabbed my cheeks, looked me right in the eyes and gushed, “I love you so much, Mommy”.

I’m done. That’s all I ever wanted for Valentine’s Day. Or any day, really.

V-Day 2013-2

Owen’s school has a cute tradition of celebrating this lovey dovey holiday by “Fancy Friendship Day”, which essentially means the kids dress up in fancy clothes and celebrate having each other as friends. It’s pretty much the sweetest thing ever.

V-Day 2013-3

The only problem, for us at least, is that Owen doesn’t have fancy clothes. The kid wears jeans and t-shirts every day. He’s comfortable. He usually comes home covered in paint anyway. I shop mostly at the consignment store. He is all boy. And, even if he was a girl, I think my philosophy would be generally the same (though, man, I saw some of the cutest little dresses ever the other day while I was shopping and I got a little giddy imagining if Baby #2 will ever wear them).

V-Day 2013-4

So, last night, in the final hour, I had just enough time to run to Target to see if I could find any accessories that could transform something in Owen’s wardrobe into something appropriate for Fancy Day. My heart just about melted when I saw this blazer. And, though the shelves were almost bare, this bowtie. Sold.

V-Day 2013-5

Oh, and to top off the specialness of this sweet holiday, I let Owen have half of a marshmallow Peep heart (one of my favorite [disgusting] holiday indulgences and also gluten free!), and made his lunch a little special too (heart-shaped polenta with feta cheese, heart-shaped cucumbers, red peppers and no-fake-stuff-added-hot dog).


Happy Fancy Friendship Day, friends. Tell your friends and family how much you love them, today and every day.

She Says… Pajama Party

It’s been ages since I had Owen in those adorable one-piece, footed pajamas. Oh how I loved to dress him in them when he was tiny, but as his active body grew, they became less and less convenient to put on a squirmy kid. Not to mention the fact that the rambunctious rolling around in his crib (between his pajamas, fleece blanket and supersoft minky sheet) created enough electricity to shock him, and me, constantly.

So around 18 months I switched to cotton, long-sleeved, two-piece pajamas and haven’t looked back. I’ve actually found that since we keep our house at a relatively steady temperature, the long sleeved, long pants pj’s with socks pulled up to his knees works year round with just a small blanket (fleece in cold weather, cotton in warm).

Recently, though, Owen was going through his drawers and found these fleece footies. With guitars on them. As soon as he spotted them, he asked to put them on. “Can you put ‘dese on me? Please? ‘Dey have daguitars on them.” “Can I wear my daguitars to school?”. We have another pair with monsters on them. “What’s his name? ‘Dat monster?” “‘Dere are blue ones and green ones and white ones!” “I like monsters”.

I was ready to pack them up and put them in the “too small” box in the attic, but Owen has other plans, I think.

Now my only problem is getting him OUT of them and into regular clothes.

She Says… 9 Months

Little Mister,

Yesterday you turned 9 months old. 9 months. All of a sudden you are a little BOY instead of a baby. I know it’s been happening all along, but it hit me yesterday like a ton of bricks. I put you in a little t-shirt and khaki shorts (in honor of Daddy’s birthday, which was also yesterday, the shirt said “I’d rather be naked”, which was one of Daddy’s favorite pastimes as an adult a child), and all of a sudden your tiny body didn’t look so tiny anymore. You stood up proudly and you didn’t wobble on your legs like you once did. You climbed all over me and Daddy and the furniture and all at once you seemed more like a fearless rock climber rather than a fumbling baby.

You do things with such purpose now — grabbing my glasses off my face when you wake up in the morning, twirling my curls of hair as I change your diaper, putting your sippy cup to your lips when you are thirsty.

You grab things with such precision that it shocks me every. single. time. The way you can flip your body over in a split second and take off into a crawl towards something you want (ahem, 99% of the time it’s a cell phone!) is still surprising to me.

People can’t help but smile as you toddle around, holding my fingers or a piece of furniture. You always have your trademark open-mouthed perma-grin on your face when you are on the move. It’s not hard to figure out what makes you happy. Your little feet slap the ground and the simple act of walking brings you so much joy it seems that you might burst with happiness.

This month, being able to move and crawl and squirm and scoot and walk and cruise and climb has turned you into a little person beyond the reach of my arms. And while sometimes I want to scream, “STOP!” and just pause this precious time in our lives, it’s just so beautiful to watch you become your own person that I am in awe.

In the last few days you have become amazed by doors and drawers. Anything that opens and closes. You will park your cute little butt next to a door swing it back and forth, back and forth. This morning you shut the door to your nursery and when it slammed shut your little eyes danced. You were so darn proud of yourself. I have a feeling this means there will be some smashed fingers in our near future, but you seem to be quite the tough cookie about bumps and bruises. You could care less as long as someone is there to give you a kiss and a quick snuggle, and then let you do right back to doing whatever you were doing when you got hurt.

Now that you’ve learned to pull up to a stand on just about anything, we often find you standing in your crib after your nap (with your lovey dangling out of your mouth, no doubt). Shockingly, though, you still haven’t really figured out how to go from sitting to laying down. You can sit up, stand up, cruise around and sit back down, but for some reason you have trouble going straight from sitting to laying down. I know babies often get “stuck” standing up when they first learn to pull up on things, and I was so proud of you for learning how to sit back down before you learned to stand up. I thought we were in the clear for the “I’m going to sit here and cry in my crib until someone LAYS ME DOWN”. Apparently we are not in the clear — but you get stuck sitting instead of standing. Yesterday you were so tired for your nap, but you were “stuck” sitting. You were crying so pathetically that I went in to check on you and you were literally hunched over trying to sleep sitting up.

Poor little dear. Maybe you DO still need Mama after all.

Owen, I can’t even tell you how thrilling it is, as the person who brought you into this world, to be able to watch you become a real person right before my eyes. Not that you haven’t been a person until this point, but there is something so special about you growing and learning and exploring when I’m not holding you in my arms. It breaks my heart and fills it with joy at the same time. That, right there, is the most amazing thing about being a mother. You’re mine, but you’re not mine. You’re part of me, but you’re totally your own person. You are so much like me and Daddy, but you are also 100% you.

I love you. Loving you fills my brain all day, every day. It’s hard to even think about anything else. You may be growing up, but you’re still my little baby. You will ALWAYS be my little baby.

All my love,

She Says… Made with love

How sweet is this sweater?

Looks like it was made by someone who loves Owen a lot, huh?

I mean, it’s clearly handmade and has some adorable personal touches like the cute little buttons that look like pieces of candy.

It’s the perfect comfy coziness for chilly spring mornings (oh wait, is spring actually coming this year? FINALLY it seems the answer is yes…).

Though it looks like he does, Owen does not have a grandmama sitting in a rocking chair making him sweaters. He does, however, have a mama who enjoys Etsy and supporting small artists. That’s right, this sweet sweater is available on Etsy! So you, too, can pretend like you have a sweet grandmama knitting sweaters for your little one.

Check out all the cute options on her Etsy site. The sweaters are made by 85 year old Hildegard who was born in Austria in 1926. They are all made by hand and stored in a pet- and smoke-free house. I was thrilled when she offered to send us one to test out. When I put it on Owen it seemed to transport us back in time!

Want one? Check out Hildegard’s Etsy store and snatch one up for those chilly spring mornings we still have to look forward to, or get ready for next fall. Couldn’t be sweeter.

He Says… This is just bizarro

So, thanks to reader Liss, who commented that she saw our video on the Australian Today Show, I found the video on line and am posting it here (at least until they pull it from Youtube).

Craziness, right?  Certainly we think this is cool/weird/annoying.  I guess at this point I think we want a chance to speak on the other side, our side, since, so far all of this reporting has been rather one-sided.  They’ve clearly made no attempts to contact people to find out why they are doing this.  Also, I love how they talk about these videos as if they are live to Youtube.  The “reporters” comment on the woman who says she hasn’t told her husband yet.  My guess is that he found out before her video went online.  Duh.

In other news, Kate is in NYC for a few days for work so it’s me, Owen and Schnitzel holding down the fort.  He was so great last night and in a wonderful mood.  Look at how I found him when I picked him up at daycare yesterday:

She Says… The Little Baby Who Lived In His Shoes

Last Thursday Benjamin and I had the opportunity to attend the launch party for Boston Parent Bloggers, a group designed to connect Boston area bloggers. The party was held at Barefoot Books, an independent children’s book publisher with an absolutely adorable flagship retail store in Concord. The minute we set foot in the store, I never wanted to leave! The store is beautifully designed with bright colors everywhere, and there are areas for all kinds of activities for kids like arts and crafts, yoga, storytime, etc.

The Boston Parent Blogger event was a blast! The group has nearly 100 members — I had no idea there were so many people so close to me doing the very same thing that I do every day. It was difficult to meet everyone, and since Benjamin and I were both there, we didn’t do an excellent job of branching out and talking to lots of new people. We probably would have been more social if we went alone… but we also used the night as one of our only “date nights” that we’ve had since Owen was born, so we wanted to attend together. Still, we connected with some awesome new friends and I can’t wait to dive in to read their blogs. In all that free time I have with a 4 month old. Hmmm.

Anyway, amidst meeting new people there were some fun activities at the event as well. Mainly, an incredible raffle! We got raffle tickets when we checked in and could submit them to win some really great prizes. One was even a stroller or car seat from Britax!!! Believe me, I put the majority of our tickets in there. But alas, we didn’t win that. We DID, however, win the cutest pair of shoes I’ve ever seen.

How precious are these?! Robeez makes gorgeous shoes for kids. I realize that shoes for a 4 month old are a little silly. It’s not like he’s walking anywhere. But honestly? They are super warm and super cute, so I’m not complaining! Owen wore them yesterday and they were a big hit.

Despite the fact that there were gift baskets and restaurant gift certificates and books and photography packages, etc. up for grabs, we also won $100 to Stride Rite. Ha! More shoes for my baby who doesn’t need shoes! Seriously, though, I’m pretty excited to get him some more Robeez. Maybe in a few months when the Moose boots have lost their sparkle. Or the weather changes.

My little baby is already taking after me.

When we left the event we were given not one but TWO swag bags full of things parent bloggers would love. You know, coupons, samples of baked goods, Lands’ End tote bags, story books, digital photo ornaments… it was HEAVEN for a free stuff lover like myself.

Benjamin and I had a blast on our date and came home to a sleeping baby. Hooray! He woke up right before I got in bed, but I was happy to have a little snuggle time and breathe in that sweet baby smell before bed.

She Says… Baby’s First Halloween!

Happy (belated) Halloween! Last year on Halloween I wrote this post with pictures of some of our Halloween costumes from previous years (and this was the getup we came up with last year — a little lighthearted infertility joke, if you will). I LOVE Halloween, and I love having a husband who is as into dressing up as I am.

It’s hard to believe that at this time last year I was taking the pills that would eventually lead to creating Owen! I remember seeing all of the little ones dressed up for Halloween out trick-or-treating and wondering if I would ever get the chance to create costumes for a wee one of my own. Lo and behold, I got my chance this year!

I don’t sew, but I’ve become quite adept at crafting costumes with hot glue, felt, and some creative uses of household objects. As I imagine all the years to come of making costumes for Owen and any other little ones who come along, I’m beginning to think I should learn how to sew! Hot glue doesn’t hold up so well on a toddler 🙂

And without further ado, here are the pics from Owen’s first Halloween.

She Says… The Big Winner

Drum roll please…

the BIG WINNER of the awesome set of Babylegs legwarmers is GINGER HALL. Ginger, I’ll email you to get the necessary info. CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Remember, even if you didn’t win, you can still get 20% off of your order on the Babylegs website by using NOWAHOME as a promotion code at checkout.

She Says… The Cutest Things in the World and A GIVEAWAY!!!

No, really. Babies in legwarmers are THE CUTEST THINGS IN THE WORLD. I posted about BabyLegs legwarmers a long time ago, before I even had a baby. And now I am so thrilled to have a real, live little munchkin to model these adorable creations.

They may be easier for girls to pull off than boys, but my baby ROCKS legwarmers. He’s so fashion forward.

The best part? No more fiddling with pants that are too big on Owen’s little frame (even newborn pants look like parachute pants on him) or socks that always fall off. BabyLegs legwarmers have made diaper changes oh so much easier. And when he gets older and starts crawling, they’ll protect his little knees. AND many of the styles come in super-soft organic cotton. I’m in love.

In fact, I love BabyLegs so much that they decided to send me a few sets to show off of the blog, and even offered TO GIVE AWAY SOME TO A LUCKY READER!!! That’s right, you too can be the proud owner of a pair of these babies.


It’s simple.

1. Leave me a comment telling me how cute Owen is in his legwarmers 🙂

2. If you’d like a second entry, retweet this post on Twitter and then leave another comment here letting me know you did that, and your Twitter name.

I’ll use a random number generator to pick the winning comment. YOU HAVE UNTIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th TO ENTER!!!

On top of all of that good news, they also gave me a promo code so that if you aren’t the winner (or you want to stock up), you can get 20% off of your order. They also sell adorable tights and socks. Go to the BabyLegs website and enter NOWAHOME at checkout for 20% off.

He Says… Can’t He Just Be Naked

I would say that in these early days of Owen’s life, Kate has dealt with most of the difficult tasks.  I really can’t complain too much, because A. there is less I can do right now for Owen, and B. He is a remarkably cooperative (read: sleepy) baby.  But since I can’t take over a lot of the other responsibilities I am trying to do what I can.  Running errands, cleaning the house, walking Schnitzel, etc.  I also have taken over most of the diaper duty, which turns out to be much easier than I had imagined.  I know as he gets more and more squirmy changing diapers will get harder, but I find it’s kind of like a little puzzle, and I enjoy the challenge of seeing how quickly and efficiently I can get him changed.  And I know that I am tempting fate by saying this, but I have yet to get hit by a stream of pee during a changing.  Kate has, but maybe Owen knows to hold it in when I am changing him.  Good boy.

But what I find to be the hardest, most aggravating part of caring for a baby, is changing his stupid clothes.  I mean really.  There has got to be a better solution then the current crop of onesies and sleepers.  I can’t quite imagine what the ideal solution would be, but I know this ain’t it.  The onesies, for the most part, are okay to put on, but I constantly think I am going to strangle the poor child while putting it over his.  This morning I think I pressed harder than I am supposed to on his soft spot while trying to get the damn thing over his head.  But at least the onesies just snap below his bottom and have short sleeves.

But don’t get me started on the sleepers.  These are a nightmare to put on a fidgety little child.  We have 2 varieties.  One has snaps, which run down both legs, and the other zips, but only down one leg.  I am not sure which I hate more.  Every time I try to get him in his jammies, his legs immediately come tucked right into his body and I worry that I am going to break his little legs trying to extend them into the sleeper.  Then he flexes his foot in a locked position making it impossible to navigate down the leg hole and into the built in bootie.  Every time I go to put his arms in the long-sleeve sleeper his little hands disappear in the long sleeves  and I worry that I am going to snap one of his fingers trying to get them out the arm hole.  And to top it off, it seems that every night when it’s time to get into his sleeper, it is when he is at his fussiest.  I honestly think that someone could make millions if they came up with a new system for these baby clothes.  Believe me, I am working on it.
In the meantime, I think we should just let Owen be naked all the time.  People who know me know that that is how I would prefer to be most of the time.