She Says… Nursery Reveal!

To those who were reading back in July and care about how the nursery turned out, sorry to leave you hanging! We worked so hard on Owen’s room, but when he arrived 1 1/2 weeks early, there were still a few things left undone. The big stuff was in place, but some of the little things, like pictures in picture frames and some art on the walls, were not quite ready. I’m sure he didn’t care, but I wanted it to be “finished” before we took pictures for the blog. And so, here we are, almost 5 months later, finally taking pictures 🙂 Such is life with a new baby, huh?

Anyway, here are some pictures of the room. It’s teeny tiny and a strange shape, especially given the angled converted attic walls, but I think it makes the room quite cute and cozy.

If you missed our other posts about putting the nursery together, check out these posts:

crib and changing table
custom bedding and changing table cover
time lapse video of painting the room
finding the perfect rocking chair

The shallow display bookshelves, the shelf next to the changing table and the mobile above the crib were all DIY.

And the art on the wall was a photo from my maternity photo shoot with Katie Ring turned into a canvas print by Za Za Gallery.

Ta da!

In other news, don’t forget to enter the Barefoot Books giveaway! We’ll choose a winner at 6pm Eastern time tonight.

20 responses to “She Says… Nursery Reveal!

  1. the room looks amazing!!!

    i love how it turned out. i’d want to spend all my time up there 😉

  2. awwhh! i love it! i remember the super cute video of you guys painting it. cool to see how it turned out!

  3. That’s totally beautiful, warm and cozy. And SO tidy! Wow.

  4. Wow! I think it turned out great and you really made great use out of a somewhat awkward space. I love the book shelves. Where did you get them?

  5. So awesome! Kate, where did you get that mobile? I loooove it!

  6. I LOVE it! That blue is gorgeous and I love all of the DIY touches. Beautiful nursery!

  7. It’s beautiful! I’m very envious of your ability to keep things neat, and it’s a great use of the space.

  8. such a cute nursery!! my favorite part is the cute bookshelves. and how about a post on that DIY mobile? so fun!

  9. 1. Amazing… the nursery looks fantastic!
    2. That mobile is killer. I bet Owen loves gazing at it!
    3. Peek-a-Who is Eli’s favorite book right now!
    4. Not to start a(nother) controversial topic… but do you use your bumper? Have you had any issues with Owen rolling into it? I bought a bumper, but have yet to put it on the crib because so many people freaked me out about using it. Any thoughts?

  10. i love the room! i agree that i like the strange shape – i would love my room to be like that with the slanted walls!

  11. Sorry for the duplicate comment… I meant to subscribe to follow-up comments 🙂

  12. I love the “Crying is for babies.” Totally cute!

  13. The room is so adorable! I love the built-in display shelves and the personalized art. It’s perfect! 🙂

  14. Thanks everyone! I’m very happy with how it turned out. We love spending time in there 🙂 I’d be happy to do a post on how we DIYed the shelves and the mobile. They were both surprisingly easy.

    @Sarah, we actually built the shelves ourselves. That little funky wall corner (actually hiding a chimney behind it, which is the reason for the weird corner) was a strange size, and we custom-built the shelves to fit the space.

    @thebakerbee I know, the bumpers are a controversial topic. I got a few emails when I posted about them before about how dangerous they are, but I have decided to use them for the short period of time (that Owen is in right now) before he learns how to roll over from his back. I know some people would disagree with this decision, but after discussing it with my pediatrician and some other moms, and knowing Owen as I do, I’m not worried about the bumpers yet. In fact, I think the cozy atmosphere has helped him transition out of his swaddle and into his sleep sack without feeling like he’s flailing in some huge space. That said, we’re nearing the time when I’m going to take them off, when he learns how to roll over from his back. In the meantime, he always wakes up right where I left him. He is incredibly strong and can easily move himself around when he’s awake, so I don’t worry about him getting stuck. Also, I smooshed my face against the bumper and could easily breathe, so I am ok with leaving them in for now. Sorry… that was a long-winded explanation for a simple question, but I feel the need to let people know I’ve done my homework and I’m not unaware of the danger.

  15. Kate, thanks for explaining your position on bumpers! I wish I had put them on Eli’s crib for the period where he wasn’t moving around like crazy… mostly because they are cute 🙂 He’s 6 1/2 months now, and he rolls around his crib like crazy. My concern now is sometimes he gets his legs caught between the slats. Errr.


    thanks for sharing. it turned out beautiful, I really like the custom bookshelves.

  17. I was just wondering where you got the crying is for babies poster? I’m IN LOVE with it! Your nursery is gorgeous! Just found your blog through another & I think I’m going to be stinkin’ around a while….

  18. @thebakerbee, have you considered breathable bumpers? They are made of mesh so there’s no risk of suffocation, but they keep the baby from putting his/her arms and legs through the slats. Might be just the ticket for Eli.

    @Melissa, we found the “Crying is for Babies” poster at a local shop near our house called Magpie in Somerville, MA. It totally looks like something that might be available on too, though, so maybe a little Googling will find it somewhere online? Good luck. It’s totally adorable.

  19. Kate, I love your maternity photo in the nursery. I’m glad that it turned out well. Thanks for the blog shout out!

  20. I love this nursery! It’s perfect! I saw you said you made the shelves yourself. Could you post a tutorial? I have been looking for shelves like this but they are all so expensive!

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