He Says… The fruit of our (her) labor

Let me just say, what I witnessed today was truly one of (if not THE) most amazing experience of my life.  I am so proud of Kate for her strength and poise through the entire delivery process.  She was truly a pro.  It’s been a long day for all of us and I think we are all rather exhausted, but just so thrilled to hold our baby boy in our arms.  It’s hard to believe that he is really ours.

So without further ado, I introduce our son, Owen James, born at 12:36pm weighing 7lbs, 5oz.

I’ll let Kate write more about the birth in the next day or two.  But thank you to every one of you for your kind words and support!

78 responses to “He Says… The fruit of our (her) labor

  1. He looks 100% perfect. Enjoy this time!!

  2. SO SWEET!!! Congratulations 🙂

  3. Wonderful! Beautiful! Congratulations! This makes me want to cry!

    That could be because I’m getting close myself and I’m already so excited that seeing this makes me over the top!

  4. CONGRATULATIONS! Love that his name is Owen. 🙂 He is beautiful! Enjoy this sweet time together.

  5. awww… look at all that hair. I LOVE newborns with hair. He is absoultely beautiful… (and looks just like Kate to me in the 2nd picture.. =)

    Congratulations and ENJOY!!! =)

    God bless

  6. Just seeing this makes me so excited for the next 7 weeks to pass, so I can hold my little boy!!

    Owen is absolutely perfect– a beautiful baby! Congrats to all of you!!!

  7. congratulations!!! he is gorgeous. owen is a lovely name.
    can’t wait to hear more about how it went.

  8. He’s beautiful!!! Congrats to you!

  9. Oh he’s just PERFECT and look at that hair!!! I love his name 🙂 Oh I am all teary just thinking about how amazing it all must feel. I’m so happy for you 🙂

  10. Look at all that hair! Congratulations!

  11. Congrats!!! I love the name although I’ll always think “Piccolino” in my head 🙂

  12. Congratulations! He is adorable, and I love the name! Enjoy your first hours of parenthood. 🙂

  13. aw! Congratulations!!!! Love the name!

  14. Congrats! He is gorgeous!

  15. He looks perfect 🙂 Congrats 🙂

  16. Perhaps it’s because I’m hormonal that I’m crying a little now, or maybe it’s simply because I’m so happy for you!
    He’s gorgeous!
    I’m exactly two months behind you [Kate]–we’ve had all the milestones at nearly the same time, so this makes me…nervous! You mean there’s a baby at the end of pregnancy [and five years of infertility with PCOS]?!?
    Congratulations, mazel tov, all that!
    I’m SO happy for you!

  17. HE’S HERE! Congratulations!!! I’m not hormonal, or even pregnant, but I’m teary-eyed too! He looks absolutely perfect. Enjoy every minute of it!

  18. beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!! and, i LOVE the name!!

  19. Owen is a beautiful name for a gorgeous little boy. What amazing hair! I feel like a good friend of mine had a baby today, even though we’ve never met. Congrats to you and your husband!

  20. Congrats! He is gorgeous 🙂

  21. CONGRATULATIONS! He is beautiful and I love the name Owen.

    My due date is about six weeks behind yours and I just can’t wait to meet my little one (we don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl). It would be really nice to go a little early like you did! 😉 But seeing this just makes me SO EXCITED.

    I hope the delivery went well. I thought for sure he’d be born before noon! Looking forward to hearing the whole story.

  22. Congratulations! They’re wonderful, if exhausting. Enjoy him!

  23. I have been checking twitter and your blog all morning for updates! Congrats on Owen and your successful labor he is truly beautiful! I will have a Candian girlfriend for you in a couple months! 🙂

  24. Congrats to all of you!

  25. jeneandliss

    Congratulations, on little Owen and a drama-free labour! I love his little mohawk hair.
    My partner’s first boy’s middle name is Owain (the Welsh spelling) and the middle name of our first boy together is James.
    Very nice name. 😉

  26. My sincere congratulations to you both! There is another blessing in this world and his name is Owen 🙂 After I read the last blog post I couldn’t wait to read the next one and see beautiful pictures of mama and the baby. It brings a tear to my eye especially that my due date is just around the corner too. Congratulations again! God Bless to your family!

  27. Congratulations!!! 🙂

    I have been following your blog since the beginning and am so happy for you both!!

    Welcome to the world, Owen!

  28. Beautiful little boy!! Congratulations again 🙂

    Owen James is our future sons name as well!

  29. kate and ben, he’s beautiful. he looks fresh and dewy and like he smells SO GOOD. sweet baby skin and FLUFFY HAIR! i want to HOLD HIM!!! delicious!

  30. This is the most real-time blogging I’ve ever witnessed!! Our hospital didn’t even have working wireless. LOL. CONGRATS to everyone in your beautiful family. Owen is sooooo gorgeous and you 3 will make the cutest family ever! How cool that we got married the same day as you guys (6/10/2006) and our first sons were born less than one week apart (7/18/2010). Can’t wait to watch him grow up!!!

  31. Congrats!!!!! Nice work!

  32. Congratulations! I started reading just a few days before you found out you were pregnant and it has been amazing to follow your journey! Enjoy your sweet little Owen!

  33. Oh my gosh – I go away for the day and look at what happens! Congratulations! What a beautiful family. 🙂

  34. He is perfect – and perfectly named as well – congratulations!

  35. CONGRATS!!! He is PERFECT!! Soo much hair – I’m already in love. 🙂 Enjoy this time you two (three) soak up every minute of these first moments together and never let those memories fade.

  36. Congratulations!!!!! He is so adorable, and I love all of the hair. I’m so happy for you guys!!!

  37. Congratulations! He’s beautiful! And that hair! It reminds me of my daughter’s when she was born.

  38. Congratulations! Today is a wonderful day – it also happens to be my Mom’s birthday!

  39. Congrats you two!!

  40. Amazing. Congrats to all three of you!

  41. Congratulations!!!!!!!! I am very happy for you guys!

  42. oh my gosh, I can hardly believe he’s already here 🙂
    Congratulations Kate and Benjamin! And a big welcome to Owen 😀

  43. Congratulations you three! 🙂

  44. Congratulations, he is just beautiful!! I for some reason had thought Owen might be in the running for a name, no idea why! I love it! And he and baby Parker are just 1 day apart. 🙂

  45. Congratulations! He is absolutely beautiful!

  46. Congratulations!! He is gorgeous and I love the hair…enjoy every last minute 🙂

  47. Congrats again! He’s absolutely perfect, and I can’t wait to read all about him!

  48. After reading your post on Thursday, I predicted Saturday would be the day!! Congrats to all of you. What a beautiful name for a handsome baby boy!!

  49. Hey Guys, have been following since the start and my heart is bursting for you both. He is in one word …perfect. Much love to you both xxx

  50. nora james thinks owen james is utterly gorgeous. so many congratulations!!!!!!

  51. He is absolutely beautiful!!! Congratulations and nice work!!!!

  52. Awww he is so beautiful! Congratulations!!!
    Can’t wait to read about the labour!

  53. Congratulations!! woo hoo. He is absolutely adorable! That hair is just perfect! Great job mama…it sounds like you had a relatively quick labor.

  54. Much Congratulations to all 3 of you! He is beautiful, and I love the hair! 🙂 Can’t wait to hear more and see more pics, but for now enjoy your new baby boy.

  55. Congratulations!!

  56. Congratulations! I have been following since the beginning, and after a weekend away camping one of the first things I did was check if you had the baby!

    What a wonderful name. So happy for all of you!

  57. Congrats!!! So excited for you both!!!

  58. Congratulations!!!!! I am so thrilled for you. Welcome, Owen! It’s been so wonderful being able to share in your journey – what a wonderful result at the end of it all. And now a new beginning with beautiful baby boy. Congrats again to the two of you.

  59. OMG!!! I told myself that day she would have the baby! That literally, the 24th, she would have the baby! I also follow you guys on youtube! Congrats!!!

  60. So precious, and all that hair!! Congratulations mom and dad 🙂

  61. He is beautiful!!! Congrats! We hope we are soon!

  62. CONGRATULATIONS!! He is absolutely beautiful! LOVE the hair! 🙂

  63. Congrats on a job well done Kate! He’s gorgeous!!!

  64. Wow! Look at all that hair!! He is beautiful! Congratulations on such a wonderful baby boy!

  65. Time to delurk. Congratulations! He’s so beautiful. Love all of his hair!

  66. Taryn M. Peine

    I’m so excited for yall! Have been following your blog through your entire process and I’m so happy for you that we get to see your incredibly happy ending. He’s absolutely precious! Thanks for sharing with us!

  67. delurking to say CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  68. Congratulations!!

  69. This was a pleasant surprise to my monday morning! Congrats! He’s beautiful!

  70. Pingback: One Mom-to-Be's View on Childbirth Class — Giving Birth with Confidence

  71. What a precious little guy! So happy for you!!!

  72. Oh, Kate and Ben, he is just beautiful! Congratulations!!!!! Sending tons of love from Chi-town. xoxo

  73. He’s adorable!! congratulations!!!!

  74. congratulations! he’s a darling baby! enjoy every minute…it all goes by too fast.

  75. oh my goodness – he’s here!!!! Oh – I’m so excited for you guys! Now I have to go read the labor story… 🙂

  76. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay, he’s here! Welcome to the world, sweet handsome Owen =)

  77. Congratulations on your baby boy :-). He is adorable!

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