And This is Goodbye


This blog has been so many things to me over the last 5+ years.

It has been a place to share our struggles, our triumphs, our challenges and our family’s silly stories. It has been a way to find and connect with people in the same place in their lives so that we could share our experiences and learn from each other. It has been a very important and valuable pillar of “my village” to help navigate this crazy roller coaster of parenting.

It has been fun. It has been frustrating. It has been informative and cathartic and inspiring.

It’s quite obvious that the last few months have been a slow decline to a different type of blogging and likely the beginning of a spiral that ends with not blogging at all. “Ending” the blog as been a decision I have put off many times, because there is a big part of me that loves to write, loves to read this type of writing from others and gets a lot of value out of the process of sharing and engaging with readers.

But in the end, I know in my heart that the right answer is that all good things have to come to an end, and now is the time for this good thing. It all boils down to three main reasons:

  1. The stories I want to tell don’t really feel like MY stories to tell anymore. When trying to get pregnant and throughout my pregnancies, the stories I told were mine. All mine. In the infant stages for both boys they were still 99% mine, as they were about how parenting had changed ME and the things that I thought about and how I dealt with them. But now that Owen is getting older, the stories are less about me and more about him, and little by little it doesn’t feel right to be sharing things with such a wide audience that he might not want shared one day.

    In addition, as we enter the murky waters of deciphering if any of Owen’s behaviors are rooted in a more serious disorder (something I so wish I could write more about so I can work through my own thoughts and feelings and also get help from others who have gone through the same process), I am paralyzed by the fear of what those shrouded by the anonymity of the internet will say. And how someday, in some way, it could likely come back to Owen in his real life in a way I’m not comfortable with. As much as I wish I could go through this next phase of my parenting journey “learning out loud” and sharing my experiences, I don’t owe it to anyone to be the guinea pig or the spokeswoman for these issues, and I can clearly see how that could do harm to Owen down the road. And who knows what Emmett’s story will hold. Whereas I could take the criticism in the past of my own actions in the past, I’m not willing to put my children in the same position to read hurtful and inaccurate comments about themselves at some point in the future.

    Speaking of hurtful and inaccurate comments…

  1. While I have always recognized that “putting myself out there” was opening myself up to criticism, I honestly hadn’t realized until recently just how crazy and ugly and obsessive and false that criticism could be. Sure, I watch E! news and see filthy stories about celebs displayed all over the media, but I never considered that someone would single me out as a focus for their rage. I’m just a person with a normal, busy life who posts pictures and some journal-y blog posts on the internet to connect with people. Though I know I’ve touched on some hot-button parenting issues and never expected everyone to agree with me all the time, I also certainly never expected to be on the receiving end of hate-filled rants, personal tirades and completely inaccurate claims about my marriage and my relationship with my children.

    Clearly I was too naive.

    I have been struggling with allowing these ridiculous comments to be part of my decision to stop blogging, because it kills me to let mean words from complete strangers “win”. But when it comes down to it, I’m writing this blog for me and my family. And when it doesn’t make me and my family feel good anymore? It’s not worth doing. And, frankly, those horrible claims and nasty words say far more about the writers than they do about me. I have a real life brimming with love, two amazing kids who I adore, a satisfying and growing career and a strong relationship with my best friend and parenting partner. It doesn’t get much better than that.I’m certain I got the better deal here, despite what you may read on the internet about me.

  2. Time. Time is short, my friends. My kids are changing before my eyes. Our weeks are already impacted by the hours that Benjamin and I are at work, and as work ramps up for me with no signs up stopping, having one less thing that I feel like I need to do in front of the computer can make a huge difference. As much as I value this space; this isn’t real life. I’m anxious to spend more time writing snail mail and having drinks with friends and making phone calls to people I haven’t talked to in a while than sitting in front of a computer screen writing to nobody, really. Cliche but true.

So as Emmett turns 1 today it feels like a perfect time to say “Goodbye” to you, and “Hello” to our next chapter as a family of two walking, talking, climbing, squealing, hilarious boys who are busy creating stories of their own that aren’t mine to tell.


I’ll still write them letters as they grow, and maybe even continue to keep a journal of our happy, beach-filled summer days and silly stories. But it will be just for us.


Thank you to those who have read, commented, emailed, tweeted and otherwise supported me and our family throughout the last 5 1/2 years, both virtually and beyond. You have been a very important part of our lives.

67 responses to “And This is Goodbye

  1. Sorry to see you leave,Kate!e But I completely understand your reasons. I hope to still follow you on Twitter and IG. Best of luck to you and your fabulous family!

  2. Mari from South Africa

    This is so sad! I love your blog and while we were struggling with infertility (our LO is almost 5 months now), your blog and your experiences gave me hope. I am so sorry that you were so harshly criticised by someone who doesn’t know you. If the person didn’t like it – why read it?! Just know – we will miss you. All the best for you and your family!!!

  3. So sorry to hear this! I have been following you for over 4 years through my personal infertility struggles (my boys are now 2 1/2 and 6 months). What I have learned from becoming a parent is that it is not necessary to criticize others who are also parents. We all have our struggles and parenting is not easy! I wish you well in all of your future endeavors.

  4. So sorry to see you go! You have been almost a ‘silent’ friend and someone I could lean on during my fertility problems, miscarriage and successful pregnancy. I will miss your updates but completely understand your reasons. I’m so sorry you’ve had to experience the nasty comments, very mean and very unnessary.
    Best of luck to you Kate, you have a wonderful family, enjoy every moment with them!

  5. So, so sorry that there aren’t going to be any more TPINAH posts to read ( I’m actually almost teary about it) but I totally get your reasons and it sounds like the right move. Thanks for the last 5.5 years 🙂

  6. Good luck to you in life! Your blog has been one of my favorites these past years. Sorry that you are ending. Enjoy those sweet boys!

  7. Farewell! I totally understand your reasons for saying goodbye. I also have to try hard not to overshare about my kids on my blog for their sake. It’s funny how things morph over time.

    I’ve enjoyed your positive attitude, fun posts and amazing quality photos/videos. I started reading your blog when you got pregnant with Owen because I was about as far along as you with my first pregnancy too. It was fun to follow along with another mom going through the same stages in life. I learned a lot about understanding what a mother in a totally different situation than me was going through and it broadened my horizons and helped me learn compassion and empathy.

    I am grateful to have read your blog and hope you can go enjoy your life with your kids without hateful people like that awful awful rant you linked. So horrible! Good luck on the next chapter of your life!

  8. Oh, this makes me so sad. I found your blog about a year ago while looking for others who struggled with infertility and I have SO enjoyed following your journey (I started with post one and then read to catch up). I read the GOMI post you linked to and I must say I, too, found the comments to be completely ridiculous – the person they described is not at all the person I’ve experienced you to be. I wish I could talk you into continuing to blog, but I understand your reasons for wanting to say goodbye. However, I don’t have Twitter or Instagram and will so miss getting to see your kids grow. Any chance you could pop back in here just every once and a while, even just with a picture post?

    Best of luck to you and your family. Thanks for sharing them with us for as long as you did!

  9. I’ve been a casual lurker of this blog but never posted a comment.

    I’m sorry that you’ve had bad experiences with people making internet comments! You seem like a really nice person that doesn’t deserved that.

    I think you’re right that as kids get older, they want more privacy, so a blog like this can’t continue forever.

    All the best to you and the kids.

  10. I’ve been reading your blog since the beginning. I’ve “known” you longer than my kids! I’m really going to miss your blog but I don’t blame you for leaving. I was shocked when I read those cruel words in that forum. I could not believe that anyone could actually be that cruel when talking about another person. Motherhood is HARD, careers are HARD, and marriage is HARD and no one has the right to say you are not doing something the right way. Last time I checked their is no right way to do life.

    No matter how carefully you try to word something on the internet (and I’ve always thought you tried to be very careful) someone is going to twist it around. I sometimes wonder if people realize the effects their internet words will have. That they are speaking about actual people and not just words and pictures on a screen. Although you open yourself up when you publicly write on the internet I’m sure no one expects to be so personally attacked.

    I think you are a wonderful mom and love and cherish your boys. I hope in my heart you when you are having a rough day you can remember the words of your supporters and not the words in that thread. I know it’s said all of the time but if their lives were so perfect then they wouldn’t need to seek out people to bash on the internet.

  11. I’m so sad to “see” you go. You have an amazing family. I wish you and your boys nothing but the best. Good for you for pulling the plug because you felt it was time. I’m sorry people have been so awful!! My family and I send nothing but love and positivity to you and yours!! I’ll miss updates about your boy, but I totally respect you for all you’ve done for your family.

  12. I am so so sorry to see you go! I have been reading for 4 years and have so enjoyed reading about your family. I got so many tips and ideas from your blog! I will definitely miss this space!
    It’s very hard to put yourself out there. I give you credit for doing it for all of these years. You are right, you don’t owe anyone anything. Please know that you will be greatly missed! Best of luck to you all!

  13. Angie All The Way

    Kate, I have always respected and admired you as a Mom, person and a blogger and I’ll never forget when I found your blog and then literally the next week discovered that we had the exact same due date. Being able to follow along with you and your family as we went through all of the same milestones were such a huge pillar of support as I navigated the same waters and I thank you for that!! I completely understand your decision. This was actually the same reason I stopped blogging after my son was born. I had a pretty good following and it was a huge part of my life and I was simply afraid I would share too much without really knowing what the consequences of that might be later.

    I clicked on that site and I remember hearing about that site last year and it completely disgusts me that people spend their days snarking and criticizing people and egging each other on as they do it. It’s shameful and I honestly feel sorry for those people!! I know that you can’t possibly believe any of that stuff is true (I didn’t read it all), but even still I totally understand your position!!

    From one mother to another – there’s nothing that’s more important than protecting your children. My heart is with you and your family in navigating what you have eluded to in your post. Admittedly, my heart is aching a little because I feel like I know you guys, which I guess is why it’s time to shut er down 😉 xo

  14. Oh, Kate…I am so sad to hear this. I had NO IDEA that there were such nasty, hateful, completely inaccurate comments circulating the stupid, stupid interwebs. I have read your blog from the beginning, only commenting a few times, but mostly silently championing you, your family, and your beautiful writing. I’ve laughed with you, cried with you, and you’ve put many smiles on my face. You don’t know me but I feel like you should know that.

    I’ve even got my husband reading your blog and following you on IG…and he has also fallen in love with your family. It sounds like you are doing the right thing (which you’ve ALWAYS done)…you are being an excellent wife, momma, worker, writer, and friend. If it no longer serves you, don’t serve it.


  15. Whoa, I had never heard of GOMI. What a mean spirited place to visit or contribute to. I’m so sorry you were targeted by a sad person with nothing better to do. 😦

    At any rate, I don’t comment often, but I’ve been reading for years (also an IFer) and I’ll miss seeing your updates in my reader. Best of luck in the future!

  16. Kate, I love your blog and completely understand and respect your decision. I, too, have been feeling similarly — that it’s not really my story to tell anymore. I am so proud of you for making this decision — tough as it will be and I will miss your thoughtful writing and stories and beautiful photography (thank gosh for Facebook!) but totally get it. Happy Birthday to sweet Emmett! Lots of love and best wishes to you.

  17. Noooo! I’m so sad about this farewell! I have been following since November ’09 and it is definitely one of my favorites. My son was due the same month as Owen so going through it all right along with you was awesome. I had no idea about the hurtful comments on that website; people need to get a life. You are an amazing writer, mom, and such an inspiring woman. I will miss watching your kids grow.

  18. My sister in law closed her popular blog after much debate a few years ago to be able to spend more time with her kids. I asked her recently if she regretted it? Her response: “not for one minute”. I think you’ll feel the same. Good luck with everything, it’s been a pleasure reading your thoughts!

  19. Kate, will you still be on Twitter?
    Sad for the end of the blog, but happy for your new chapter!

  20. @Sarah, Yes, I’m thinking of still keeping my Twitter and Instagram accounts, as I connect with so many internet friends there. Please follow me there if you don’t already and we can keep in touch!

  21. Kate– I’m so sorry you are leaving, though I understand. People are mean, and for some reason, mean comments online (thus semi-anonymously?) seem ok. I don’t understand it, and I’m so sorry you have to have that meanness out there. I’m so happy for your new chapter. Your blog helped me a lot when we had fertility issues. SO thank you, and so much best of luck and everything. It has been a pleasure.

  22. Kate, I’m sorry your blog is ending. I first discovered it when I got pregnant last spring, and I’m now the proud mama of a beautiful 6 month old baby boy. We had difficulties too (8 years worth) so I could easily relate to all of your troubles.

    People can be so mean, can’t they? I remember when I was a child, and being bullied. I remember thinking that I couldn’t wait until we all just grew up and they’d stop being immature and not be bullies anymore. Once in my 20s and in my career, I was shocked to discover that bullies never grow up. They just grow into bigger bullies and raise bully-offspring. Its sad. Those kids don’t seem to stand a chance.

    I write online as well (stories). I, too, have been on the end of a many hate-filled rant about my work and even had it compared to road kill,rotting and bloated on the side of the highway. Charming.

    I don’t understand why people feel the need to do this. Insecurity? Jealousy? I think they are intimidated by independence, success, skill, and happiness. These people lack all these things. They are unable to alter their drab little lives, so endeavor instead to try to knock people down a peg or two. They will die sad and alone.

    Please know that I think you’re awesome. I’m really going to miss your blog, and seeing your beautiful boys grow.

    Best wishes for health and happiness, Kate!

  23. I’ve been reading since almost the beginning. Will miss you in this space, but I understand. (Well I don’t understand why people are a**holes, but that’s their problem). Will keep following them on Twitter / IG. Are you leaving the blog up? Since your kids are almost exactly a year older than mine I do reference your older posts from time to time 🙂

  24. It has been a pleasure to follow your family for the last several years. I’ve learned a lot from you as a mom. I’ve loved watching Owen grow and change while thinking to myself that my little R will do the same things a year later. Best of luck. Shooting you an email now.

  25. P.s are you on Facebook at all? Would to love to see the boys continue to grow into the the hilarious little buddies they are.

  26. I have been a reader for over a year and have read all your posts! This is my favorite blog! The reasons for your decision make all the sense in the world to me (I am a very private person and could never put myself out there with a blog), but I hope that you don’t spend a second longer thinking about any mean spirited comments you may have received, and instead try and remember all the readers you have helped with your blog (myself included)! Best of luck to you and your family!

  27. Dammit, I knew this was coming. I understand because I’ve been having a lot of the same thoughts myself, especially the part about feeling like the story is no longer yours to tell. My posting frequency has dropped off in recent months as I sensor myself more and more on topics that I worry will have a negative effect on Ryan in the future. I’ve written less about what I truly want to write about and more about activities and crafts, which isn’t nearly as interesting or in line with why I started the blog in the first place. Anyway, my point is, I get it. But you will be missed. As life gets busier and busier, yours is one of the few blogs I’ve made a point to regularly keep up with. I wish you the best!

  28. Bye Kate! You are your family are beautiful. I have loved your blog over the past years. Thank you for helping me find good gluten free food for my son. He Loves Rudi’s bread now and without your help I don’t think I would have found Rudi’s so soon.

    Best of luck and continue to have a fabulous life!

    Xoxo Silvia

  29. I have enjoyed your blog. I have two boys the same age. Sorry to see you go. Best Wishes.

  30. Caroline s.

    Dude, well that sucks. I first found you on youtube when I was TTC my daughter, and your positive pregnancy test was so inspiring it made me cry and I watched it over and over and then one day I got my OWN BFP. I’ve been following your beautiful family ever since.
    I’m sorry that you have been the target of, well, assholes. They are everywhere, unfortunately, and with the anonymity of the internet they feel that they can say anything to anyone when you know in real life they are lonely and insecure and lashing out because they can…
    I wish you and your family peace, health, happiness and giggles. I will miss following your stories and adventures and wish you all the best.

  31. Best of luck Kate! I have loved your blog and will miss it!

  32. Lots of love to you and your family! Thank you for sharing these special times with us.

  33. I’ve been reading your blog for years, as I have two kids similar in age to yours, and I’m sad to see you go. But I fully understand all your reasons for doing so. Best of luck to you and your family as your story continues!

  34. I’m so sorry to hear you ending your blog but I completely agree with your reasons. I came across your blog when I was trying to conceive my first child and my problems were identical to your obstacles initially conceiving. It was soooo comforting to read about someone who had just gone thought the same thing and got through it successfully. I’ve been reading your blog ever since. I now have a 2.5 year old little boy myself. We are trying to conceive a second child, and again, it’s not that easy, so referring back to your blog and some of your stories has been so incredibly helpful and reassuring. I wish you and your family nothing but the best and want you to know how important this blog has been to me despite the fact that I haven’t said “hello” until now.

  35. I have enjoyed reading your blog and following along as your adorable boys grow, thank you for opening up despite critical people. Think of the ones like me who have benefitted from your sharing, I’m sorry to see you go!

  36. Lisa Alcantar

    I’ve truly enjoyed reading your blog. I found it when I was struggling to get pregnant. My experience mirrored yours with Owen and it was a comfort to think It could work for me too. I’ve continued to follow you because you come across as a totally approachable mom – which is saying something for bloggers! Your boys are adorable and you seem to be a wonderful mom. Good luck!

  37. Kate, I loved reading your blog, especially while I was trying to get pregnant. You definitely helped me relax and keep a positive attitude. I’ll miss reading, but it sounds like you’re making a good decision for you and your family. Best wishes!

  38. Kate, I loved reading your blog, especially while I was trying to get pregnant. You definitely helped me relax and keep a positive attitude. I’ll miss reading, but it sounds like you’re making a good decision for you and your family. Best wishes!

  39. I think your reasons for saying goodbye are totally valid! But I’ll miss your blog for sure. I’ve only been reading for a few months, but I’ve enjoyed going back through your archive posts as well. As for GOMI, forget them, they don’t know you at all. I can’t imagine how sad of a person you have to be to write on those boards. I refuse to read them (as they’ve found me too), and I welcome the extra blog hits because they help my stats. Hey, they’re still reading it! 🙂

  40. I’m going to miss reading your posts, but I completely understand. Found your blog through Stef who I used to work with. Been following you for years although rarely comment. Recently discovered your hubby knows my hubby’s cousin’s husband and his twin 🙂 small world. I hope to continue to see your updates on tweeter and instagram.

  41. I started reafing your blog at the end of 2012… it inspired me into taking my fertility into my own hands. My daughter was born one month after Emmett. If it wasn’t for your blog, my daughter may not be with me right now. Take that legacy to heart and know what you have created here has gone beyond your own self purpose and has impacted more people than you know. I have thought for some time your blog has been winding down- but please (for my own selfish reasons) post updates?? I do not know how I will cope at Christmas without your best toy pick list! Good luck with everything Kate, I am going to miss this blog so much!

  42. 😦 I’ve started reading when you were around 9 weeks preg. with Owen. I was just a little behind you and Angie due with my boy (September…) I found your voice fresh and so fun to read. I love how you turn most things you write about into a positive message, often adding humor to it and not shying away from laughing at your own ‘learning experiences’ along the way (excuse my ESL:)
    I feel a bit like I am losing a friend, even though I didn’t comment that much I read every single entry since I first started reading. After dropping most of my blog reading, I kept reading your blog because it always made me so happy to read it.
    And our kids were going through the same milestones, it just felt so nice to hear from someone who was going through the same things…I eventually also found inspiration, hope and help in your miscarriage posts, when I went through my own ectopic pregnancy, and had to eventually terminate it.
    I wish I knew how to write a better ‘I’m so sad you are leaving’ and ‘I loved your writing’ like so many have written above – I could never say enough – I know this is one of my last chances and I didn’t want you to disappear without at least commenting and letting you know that I appreciate what you shared with us – THANK YOU! – and am wishing you and your family as happy a life as can be. This is your blog, and blogging should never feel forced and if it becomes a source of stress, I agree that it should not go on. But drop us a line if you choose to write again someday! 😉

  43. I am sorry to see you go! I have enjoyed following your journey, joining the discussions here, offering advice, and especially seeing pictures of your adorable children. I understand how hard it would be to keep going, knowing that the ignorant speculation swirling around on GOMI exists. I will miss reading your blog. Go on and enjoy your life and your family!

  44. I will definitely miss your writing, but I so, so get it. I’ve reached a similar crossroads – after months of not posting because I feel like either all I have to publish are belated updates to what we’ve been doing or posts that have stayed in draft form because I’m too worried about how open to be in the blogosphere, I’m either leaving entirely or going private. Writing is therapeutic for me, and I love looking back at the virtual scrapbook of our lives over the last few years, but for the privacy of the kids, my husband and myself and for the sake of being able to write openly and honestly, something has got to change.

    I’ve enjoyed your posts and learned from and related to so many of them – wishing you all the best in the future with those darling boys in your life! 🙂

  45. I’m sorry to see you go! I’ve been reading your blog for years and have often referenced it regarding my little ones.

    It’s sad that some bullies had to ruin this. I hope you know how much you inspired so many of us. I wish you the best in everything. Thank you for sharing your life with us.

  46. I am sorry to hear that but I think that is very understandable. I have enjoyed many of your posts because our older boys are only a few days apart so I could relate to a lot of things you wrote about. Blogging is a tricky thing and I can totally relate to you about struggling with how much to put out there. I am totally fine with writing about my own struggles and parenting but never want to write too much about our boys, especially as they are getting older now. Like you said, with small babies it is easier but as they get older it becomes a lot more personal and I never want to regret anything I have put out there about them, because yes, those are their stories to tell. Good luck to you and your family, I know many people will miss this space but I totally understand your reasoning.

  47. I’ve never commented before, but wanted to write to say thanks. I started on my TTC journey last year, and stumbled on your blog as I was Googling what I was going through. Your posts have made me laugh, cry, and think. I’m sorry to see you go. Best of luck. (BTW I’m happy to report that I’m due with my first child any day now!)

  48. thank you for everything you have shared these past 4+ years! i found your blog when you were first trying to get pregnant (as was i) & your journey was really touching & inspiring. my kids are really close in age to yours, so it has been great to read your experiences as a working mom juggling parenthood, work-life balance and everything else. good luck to you!

  49. Sorry to see you go, but best of luck with all the future holds for you and your family. In shock over what horrible things people wrote–but what I often find is that when people send negative messages out into the universe, it comes right back at them.
    Anyway, thanks for being a source of support in reassuring me that I am not alone in some of my infertility, and new mom insecurities.

  50. Kate–no! I know it’s selfish of me to say, but I will miss your blog SO much. If privacy for your boys were your concern, I think you still have a voice/story to tell. Your messages of empowerment and living for yourself, etc. lately have a place in this great big blogosphere. Of course, I understand time is a big factor, too. As for GOMI, I’ve actually contributed to threads on other bloggers (shame on me) but reading the thread on you, all of it seems like pulling at straws big time. I’m surprised those messages would get to you.

    Thanks for all you have shared; even though I was mainly a lurker, I felt you were a kindred spirit. I can remember feeling scared for your family during the Boston tragedy last year–silly as it may be for someone I’ve never met/who lives so many miles away. Best of luck in all you tackle!

  51. Thank you for sharing your world with us for as long as you have. I have followed you from the beginning and am so sad to see you go. (I will so miss your amazing craft projects!!) I wish you nothing but love and continued happiness.

  52. Wow. I had never heard of GOMI and wish it didn’t exist. But as I’ve found out on Twitter recently, there are really nasty people out there using the internet to spread hate. And when you decide to generously share aspects of your life via blogging this is what you have to (unfortunately) deal with. Please don’t listen to the haters Kate. I’ve read your blog since I was pregnant with my 18 month old son (now pregnant with number 2 due in December) and have found it to be a wonderful place to find information and have those ‘Aha! You too? Cool, I feel more normal now’ moments. Thank you for your generous spirit in sharing the good, bad, and ugly of parenting. You’ve touched a lot of people around the world in such a positive way. I wish you and your family happiness, health and wonderful adventures throughout the future. All the very best, Kate (Melbourne, Australia).

  53. thumbelinainthemaking

    This is the first time I have commented though I’ve been reading your blog for years through our own battle with infertility and subsequent success.
    I hope you would keep blogging at least on another topic because you certainly have a gift for writing! 🙂
    Good luck to you and your lovely family (including Schnitzel of course!!)!

  54. Best of luck to y’all, I have enjoyed reading these years and will miss your presence.

    And for the record, I only heard of GOMI in recent months and from the minimal amount I read, a wretched place and I wish there was some way to make it disappear. I will never understand why people feel they need to complain and judge what they read on the web, if you don’t like a blog, stop reading, but spewing hateful opinions about someone you probably never met or a situation you likely know nothing about seems like a complete waste of energy to to me. Get off your own internets and go do something productive. 😉

  55. Pingback: On blogging and sleeping. | Phase Three of Life

  56. I wish it wasn’t so, but I understand your reasoning behind ending the blog. It has been a joy to read your stories and to watch the boys grow. Don’t think that you won’t be missed. All the best!

  57. July was such a busy month for me so when I popped onto your blog to see what has been happening with your family I was so sad to see this!

    It has be so fun watching your journey becoming a mother and looking back on your old posts when my little one was hitting similar milestones, or I was faced with working mama challenges such as yours (and awful pumping). But I get it, everyone’s time is so limited who wants to spend extra time on the computer when you don’t need to. You have an amazing family and your boys are adorable, I hope to see their smiling faces still on IG and your musings on twitter!

    Also, you were how I found out about Isis and Nancy Holtzman who was a life savor as a first time mom!

  58. We miss you!!! I totally get not writing about your boys. What about blogging about yourself instead? How u fit training into your schedule, how to keep healthy AND be a mom, what you do to maintain work/life balance, the effect 2 boys has on ones marriage, how u do the working mom, current events…. ? 🙂

  59. I understand your point Kate good luck to you and your family. Your little boy is so cute!! 🙂

  60. I just wanted to say “thank you” for sharing your story, particularly your struggle to conceive. I remember in March of 2013, I stumbled across your blog when I was reading about infertility treatments and read each and every story you posted in one night. As a sufferer of PCOS with secondary infertility, your stories gave me such hope that I too could conceive and with the same treatment you received, I fell pregnant my first month and my son is now 10 months old…I didn’t know anyone in my day to day life that had PCOS or had issues conceiving, it was hard to relate to anyone and talk about since it seemed that everyone around me fell pregnant so quickly and easily. I so appreciated how honest and hopeful you were. Best of luck to you and your beautiful boys. All the best to you, you seem like a wonderful mother, wife and friend.

  61. I can’t believe it has been well over a year since we have read a story about you and your lil lads. I was obsessed and would check in weekly. I seriously went into mourning when you left us! Hope all is well!

  62. Can we pretty please have an update?

  63. Still miss your blog. All these years later.

  64. K, and others who have checked in periodically, THANK YOU. You are so, so sweet. Even years later, I still think about the blog often. Though I am much happier not writing every day, I do miss the community and the space to share my thoughts and stories.

    Our family is doing great. The boys are growing into hilarious, rambunctious, silly, crazy little people who absolutely adore each other. I quit my consulting job to start my own interior design company about 1.5 years ago, and Benjamin has continued to grow his business as well. We’ve gotten into running and have logged a lot of miles together, separately and with friends. Thank you for checking in!

  65. I cannot believe how many years it has been! Please give us another update x

  66. I think I will forever be asking for updates 😆

  67. @K, it makes me so happy that you are still thinking of us! Thank you!

    Since my last update in 2017 our lives have changed dramatically. Benjamin and I are divorced now, and are both remarried to wonderful people who have grown our family in unexpected and positive ways. We co-parent really well and the boys are growing into incredible people. They are both in middle school now — how in the world did that happen so quickly?!

    I could have written many novels about my experiences growing my own business, trying to work through a complicated period in my marriage, coming to a major crossroads about who I am and what I want for my future, building a new life for myself when the one I had spent 30+ years building completely changed before my eyes, opening myself up to new relationships and friendships, and becoming what sometimes feels like a completely new person, but was/is also a return to the “me” who was always in there somewhere. It has been… a lot. So much good has come out of all of this struggling and searching, though. I think we’re all where we’re supposed to be.

    I am still so thankful for the amazing community this blog created, and for the people who I met through writing it. Once in awhile I miss the outlet of writing, but overall ending the blog was the best thing I could have done for my family at the time, and I have no regrets.

    Thank you for checking in, and I hope you and your family are growing and changing and loving where you are.

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